35×55 3 bedroom house plan with car parking in 1925 square feet (1925sq.ft and 234 guz) total plot area.
This 35×55 3 bedroom house plan is made by our expert home planner and architects team by considering all ventilations and privacy.
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35×55 3bhk house plan with car parking in 1925 sq ft:

In this 3 bedroom house plan, Starting from the main gate, there is a parking area. On the left side of the parking area, 5’2” feet space is left as we can use it for a small garden.
The parking area is 10’6”x14’6” feet. Therefore this plan is also called a 3bhk house plan with car parking and garden.
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Main Entry:
Before entering the living room there is a veranda of size 3’x5’2” feet.
Living Room:
The size of the living room is 14’11”x18’ feet. The living room has two windows. The main door of the living room is 4’x7’ feet.
On the right side of the living room, there is the staircase.
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Stair Case:
The total area covered by the staircase is 13’6”x6’4” feet. These are also called as Dog Legged staircase.
The dog-legged staircase is the most economical staircase. In this plan, each step consists of a 10-inch tread and a 7-inch riser.
The tread is the flat part you step on and the riser is the vertical part between each tread. The staircase room has another door towards the veranda.
On the backside of the living room, there is the dining area. This 27×43 3BHK house plan is also best if you want to construct a 3bhk house in 27×43 sq ft.
Dining area:
In this 35×55 house plan, The big size of the dining area is there in the house 9’6”x17’7” feet.
On the left side of the dining area, there is the guest room. This can also be called as 3 bedroom house plan with dining.
Guest Room:
The size of the guest room is 10’x14’feet. The guest room has one window.
We can change the size of the window as per our requirements. On the right side of the dining area there is a kitchen.
The size of the kitchen is 10’x12’ feet. The kitchen has one window. There is another door in the kitchen towards the wash area. After the kitchen, there is a storeroom.
Store Room:
The size of the storeroom is 6’x4’feet. On the backside of the storeroom, there is a master bedroom.
Master Bedroom:
The size of the master bedroom is 11’2” X15’4” feet. It has two windows. There is an attached toilet bathroom to the master bedroom 7’x4’ feet.
There is another door in the master bedroom towards the passage. Behind the master bedroom backside of the dining area, there is a w.c bath area.
W.C. Bath Area:
W.C size is 4’x4’ feet and bathroom size is 4’X7’ feet. On the backside of the w.c bath there is open duct for ventilation purposes. Left side of w.c bath area there is the bedroom.
The size of the bedroom is 10’X15’4” feet. It has one window.
35×55 3 bedroom house plan:
There are no dimensions are given in the above image of 3 bedroom house plan because it is the premium house plan.
And you can download this house plan with dimensions and in AutoCAD and pdf format from the download button given below.
35×55 3 bedroom house plan download
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