Cement is the main part of the construction. Cement is the product that changed the map of the world in a very short time. In a short period of time, high-rise buildings and big bridges were built in the world, all this due to cement only. That’s why cement has become more important in today’s modern times. There are so many types of cement but here we described only the most popular types of cement.
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Types of cement:
- Ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
- Portland pozzolana cement (PPC)
- Rapid hardening cement
- Extra rapid hardening cement
- Low heat cement
- Sulfate resisting cement
- Quick setting cement
- Blast furnace slag cement
- High alumina cement
- White cement
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC):
Ordinary portland cement is not the brand of cement but it is the type itself. Ordinary portland cement is generally known as OPC which is the most common type of cement which is being used and manufactured all over the world. OPC is used for making,
- Concrete
- Plastering
- Flooring
- Mortar
- Masonry
OPC is suitable for all kinds of concrete construction.
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Portland pozzolana cement (PPC):
Portland pozzolana cement is also known as PPC. And it is a mixture of portland cement and pozzolanic clinker. It can be also made by additional pozzolana and gypsum or Calcium sulfate. As compared to ordinary portland cement (OPC) this cement has a high resistance to different chemical attacks on concrete. It is mostly used in sewage works under waterworks such as bridges, dams, piers, and marine structures.
Rapid hardening cement:
This is one of the expensive types of cement mostly used where we can not give much time to be set. Rapid hardening cement
Extra rapid hardening cement:
As the name suggests, extra rapid hardening cement gains strength quicker and it is obtained by adding calcium chloride to rapid hardening cement.
Extra rapid hardening cement is widely used in cold weather concreting, to set the cement fast. It is about 25% faster than that of rapid hardening cement by one or two days.
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Low heat cement:
Low heat cement provides lower heat of hydration in concrete. This types of cement is less reactive and its initial setting time is greater than Ordinary portland cement (OPC).
Uses of low heat cement:
- To limit the temperature rise
- High tempereture area
- This cement evolves limit amount of heat of hydration therefore, it is more slowly than more typical material.
Sulfates resisting cement:
This types of cement is used in order to resist sulfates from concrete. And sulfates resisting cement also increases the durability of the concrete in most aggressive environments. It prevents structures from failure.
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Quick setting cement:
Quick setting cement mostly used in underwater construction where a quick setting is needed in a short time. This type of cement is mostly used in underwater bridge construction or it is also used in rainy and cold weather conditions. The setting time of this cement is 10 to 15 minutes. This cement is not found everywhere it is very rarely available because it is only used in particular places.
Blast furnace slag cement:
This type of cement is similar to portland cement. Blast furnace slag cement is mostly used for low-cost construction works. It is a mixture of clinker and slag in which, near about 60% slag is used. This type of cement can be used as a replacement for portland cement.
High alumina cement:
High alumina cement is also known as calcium aluminate cement which is obtained during the manufacturing process of ordinary portland cement. This cement is the mixture of the calcining bauxite and lime with clinker. Basically, This type of cement is used for making the structures where it has to withstand high temperature. High alumina cement has high compressive strength. This cement is used for the construction of the sewer infrastructure and marine construction.
White cement:
This kind of cement is made by utilizing crude materials that are liberated from iron and oxide. White concrete necessities as far as possible and earth in a higher extent. It is like ordinary portland cement (OPC) yet it is more costly. It has approximately the same property as gray cement except its color.
Uses of white cement:
- Decorative works and finishing works
- Prestiqe constructions
- Color concrete or color morter
- Architectural designing
- Floorings and tiles
- Whitewash
- Tiles grouting, etc.
I hope you understand the different types of cement. And thank you for seeing our post. Must share this if any of your friends or relatives need to know about this. Also visit our Youtube channel by clicking this link, DK3DHOMEDESIGN.